The Continuum Blog
Supporting the body in a crisis
How we can support our bodies better through crisis situations and medical intervention.
How will I feel afterwards?
Ever wondered how you will feel after a chiropractic adjustment? Read more to find out what you can expect.
But it hurts here not there!
Why is it that chiropractors work on the whole body and not just the site of pain or symptoms?
How often will I come back?
How long does it take for symptoms to resolve and how many times can you expect to come to the chiropractor?
The amazing power of water
Why water is so vital to our lives and our bodies, and how we can use it to improve our health.
Congratulations Gert!
We are celebrating an amazing achievement by Chiropractor Gert and his latest Masters degree.
Our chiropractic story
Find out who we are and why we chose to set up Continuum Chiropractic right here in Oxford.
How often will I be adjusted?
How long will it take for my symptoms to improve and how many times will I come to see the chiropractor?
Chiropractic and osteopathy
What’s the difference between a chiropractor and an osteopath?
The microbiome and health
Why you truly are what you eat and how you can use food to improve your health today!
Chiropractic and your newborn
Why would you take your newborn to see a chiropractor?
Chiropractic and pregnancy
Why chiropractic is such an important part of your prenatal care.
The chiropractic adjustment
What is a chiropractic adjustment? What does it do and does it hurt?
Book launch: Finding their feet
Celebrating the book launch of Finding Their Feet and discovering more about infant footwear
Our chiropractic techniques
Which chiropractic techniques do we use here at Continuum Chiropractic?
What is chiropractic?
Chiropractic is the third largest healthcare profession in the world, closely behind medicine and dentistry. So why is it that most people know so little about it?
The Continuum Concept
Find out why we chose to name our practice after this wonderful book and incredible concept.